Eclipse C/C++ Development Toolkit (CDT)

Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment or IDE. The Eclipse was originally created by IBM, but the Eclipse Foundation has since taken over direction and development of the project. Eclipse started out as a Java IDE, but has since grown into much more.

C/C++ development with the Eclipse Platform

This article, which is a follow-up to “C/C++ development with the Eclipse Platform,” is intended for C++ developers who want to learn C++ development using the Eclipse CDT. A simple C++ application is developed in the article. The application makes use of the C++ STL. Readers should be familiar with the STL, as well as with basic object-oriented programming principles such as inheritance and polymorphism. A familiarity with Eclipse will be helpful, but is not required.

HOW TO: Use CDT and MinGW for Eclipse (i.e. develop C/C++ applications in windows)



Paso 1:

Bajar de lo siguiente:

Paso 2:

Extraer los archivos al directorio c:mingw y instalar mingw32-make-3.80.0-3.exe en c:mingw.

Paso 3:

Agregar c:mingwbin a la variable de ambiente de sistema Paths. Verificar con el comando gcc -v .

Paso 4:

Descargar Eclipse e instalarlo.

Paso 5:

Instalar C/C++ Development Toolkit (CDT) usando el menú de actualización Help-> Software Updates -> Find and Install -> Search for new Features to Install.

Paso 6:

Crear un proyecto nuevo file->new ->Managed Make C Project.

Paso 7:


Agregar el archivo con el siguiente código (para probar la instalación):

using namespace std;

int main()
string yourName;

cout << “Enter your name: “;
cin >> yourName;
cout << “Hello ” + yourName << endl;
return 0;


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